Today on Oldest Olympians, we wanted to finish wrapping up our coverage of eisstockschießen, or “ice stock sport” at the 1936 Garmisch-Partenkirchen Olympics. We have covered this tournament haphazardly, but we wanted be a little more organized and touch upon the remaining mystery competitors that we have not yet mentioned. Today, we are going to finish looking at all those that we have not discussed previously.

In the event for Germans only, we have not mentioned that the team from Eissportverein Weilheim also included Xaver Bauer, Anton Kranner, and Roman Ostermeier, none of whom we know anything about. The same can be said of the remaining members of eighth-placed Eisstock-Club Mittenwald – Johann Fichtl, Georg Müller, and Franz Wörndl – and the ninth-placed team of Eis- und Rollschuhsportverein Passau: Hans Bauer, Alois Haider, and Heinrich Wurst.
For the tenth-placed Eissport-Club Oberstdorf, we missed only one individual: Franz Dürr. Just as with the two remaining members of 11th-placed Gießener Eisverein, Willi Mohr and Walter Schonebohm, we have been unable to uncover any concrete information about him. From 12th-placed Altonaer Schlittschuhläuferverein, from Hamburg, we have not covered Herrmann Jeddicke and Otto Kolzen. There are two Otto Kolzens buried in Hamburg, but we do not know if either were the Olympian: one was born January 3, 1880 and died November 17, 1954, while the other was born November 9, 1913 and died June 13, 1979. Given the wide range of ages in the tournament, either could be the player, but for Jeddicke we have no leads.
The final two players, Wilhelm Kadel and Karl Möser, were members of the Frankfurter Tennis-Club 1914 club that finished 14th and last, and we again have no information on either. They do, however, wrap up our coverage of mystery competitors for the 1936 Garmisch-Partenkirchen Olympics, although for completeness on pre-war Olympians without dates of birth or death, we need to mention two rowers from the Berlin Games: Milan Blace and Branko Karadjole. Both were reserves with the Yugoslavian coxed fours squad, but neither saw any playing time and we have no biographical details on either of them.
That is what we have for today, but we hope to soon move to the 1948 St. Moritz and London Olympics There are many Olympians who took part in the Games for whom we lack information on their dates of birth. Now that most, if not all, of those individuals would be over the age of 90, we are hoping to delve into these Games in more detail in the hopes of bringing their contributions to global sport to a greater audience and maybe even solving a few Olympic mysteries. We hope that you will join us!
Milan (Mile) Blaće was born 14 October 1912 in Šibenik and died 16 September 1964 in Zagreb ( Croatian pages listed him sometimes as the member of the Olympic eight (see the photo on the page above, and also this page He was from Šibenik and VK Krka club. We could find him on another photo from European Championship from 1933? here (this is digitilised magazine Veslanje (Rowing)). At the same source there are also squads of eight and coxed four from 1936 without Blaće, but he is listed as member of eight at the European Championship in 1934! (not 1933), where his team took 5th place.
And I found also, that Milan Blace is listed by Croatian Olympic Committee as died 16 September 1984 (there is his photo, as well)
Thank you for this information! We have updated most of this, but we need to decide whether his year of death was 1964 or 1984!